Meeting of 24 March 2013

Darling-Walker Family Reunion 2013
Detroit, Michigan Committee Meeting
Sunday March 24, 2013

21340 Parklawn Street
Oak Park, Michigan 48237

Call meeting to Order:  3 PM EST


Present:  Clementine Banks, Angela Anderson, Carl Anderson, Cinnamon Banks,

Absent:  Gerald Vickers (working)


Approval of previous meeting minutes – Angela Anderson


  • Last meeting minutes held December 22, 2012.

Gerald Vickers wants to stipulate the urgency in choosing your hotel.  Please respond with your decision as to which hotel you will be choosing.


Clementine contacted Hilton Garden Inn and Holiday Inn Express again to confirm agreements on blocked rooms.  OK.  The new sales manager for the Holiday Inn Express is Edward Anderson 313-887-7000.


NOTE:  Hotels Reservation  Cut-off Dates:  (no exceptions)


Hilton Garden Hotel – June 26, 2013


Holiday Inn Express – June 28, 2013


Urgency in sending in your monies.


Treasurer’s Report:  $433 from 2011 Reunion in Montgomery, AL.  As of to date, no monies received.


Total funds collected to date are $526.00. Funds coming in very slowly and are much needed to secure deposits, items needed.
A basic business account will be opened at Comerica Bank the week of April 8th. No account fees, basic checks will be ordered with 2 visa debit cards. Angela Andersons SS# will be used for the account.   Amount in Bank:  Comerica Bank  $526.00


Expenditures to date:  (Paid by Clementine)


Deposit to Motown Museum – $25.00

Deposit to Charles H. Wright Museum – $100.00 rest due time of reunion.

Deposit to Belle Isle for Picnic – $125.00 Paid March 25, 2013)

Mailings (from 2/4/14 – 3/1/2013) –  $240.00

Tee-shirt screening cost – $35.00


*Note:  No pictures can be taken inside the Motown or Charles H. Wright Museum.  Pictures can be taken outside the museums.


Shed #4 near the entrance of the park secured for Belle Island picnic. Very secluded, small swings, restroom building nearby. Will continue with plans to have a bouncer for the children and a DJ for music. It’s suggested that we secure at least 2 portal potties.  We will have some car pools for adults (casino or clubs).


Mailed out last meeting minutes and information regarding family tree.


Called family members for update of who was coming.  Lots of incorrect telephone numbers and addresses.  Verbal telephone acknowledgment of 50 family members will attend.


Going Forward:

  • Bus deposit $250.00.


  • Will secure meeting room for $150.00 at the Hilton Garden Inn for Sundays recap and passing of the torch to the next hosting family.


  • Must order Free Products from Detroit Metro Convention Visitors Bureau by June 1, 2013 (need exact account of family members).


  • T-shirt screening purchased and sample to be delivered on Wed, April 10th. Hats have been selected, Royal Blue.


  • Must have an approximate count of family members planning to attend (children and seniors) as soon as possible.  Special requirements (equipment), as well as (food) requirements are needed. All prices are based on at least 10- 20 member participation.  .


  • Continue to receive and update address, emails, etc.


  • Two fundraisers (Detroit) in May and June to help defray some cost.


  • Discuss photos displays and request photos, cd’s, etc, to be sent to me or John Darling.  I received cd of photos from Irene’s husband, Mr. Streeter.  Thank you.


Please make your reservations and specify if you will be extending your stay at this hotel (check out 11:00 a.m.), because extra rooms are being filled up fast already for other reunions.


Meeting adjourn at 4:20 PM EST.


Clementine Banks


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