Meeting of 12 Januray 2014

Darling/Walker Family Reunion 2013
Teleconference, Detroit, Michigan
Sunday, January 12, 2014, 8:00 P.M. EST

Meeting called to order by Clementine Banks at 8:10 p.m.

On call:  John and Joyce Darling, Christine and Robert Thomas, Deloris and Thomas Mitchell, Clementine Banks (Baker),  Angela Anderson, and  Herbert Baker.

Subject:  Explanation of 2013 Family reunion expenditures, and what we can do for the next reunion, if out-of-state.

How can the family come together to handle the negative short fund balance.

It was suggested:

  • Make an effort to collect dues from all.
  • That family members who did not submit dues ($50) to continue submitting their dues now.  Once short fall has been settled, additional monies will go to the next reunion for 2015. 

Treasury Report: short fund $635.10.  It was explained that the host city is responsible for games, picnic, gifts and prizes for games.  We will deduct for travel, and half for mailings, supplies, and printing.

Payment was not received from one family member, so that caused a shortage.  We were informed that the committee, in the past has helped with some families with cost.  We will table this with our Detroit Committee.

We did not get the participation from family members as expected.  Disappointed in Detroit family members for lack of participation.

Going Forward:  COMMITMENT.  The next host city, if out-of-state, Committee and Family members must be devoted and committed from beginning to end.

SEED MONEY.  Committee members must have extra money in case something goes wrong, (e.g., we had three different managers (replaced) for Holiday Inn Express hotel, and each one changed things to their way, which could have occurred extra cost if things were not recorded by me).  Vendors don’t always tell you what’s all involved.

TRUSTWORTHINESS.  When dealing with banks and monies received from family members, as well as vendors, payments must be paid in a timely manner.  Because in Detroit, we had to open a business account.

Since the inception of the Darling/Walker Family Reunion Association, this is the first time that we experienced a negative balance.

  • It was asked “How can we do more with less.”
  • One of our high cost was the bus.  We could have obtain a smaller bus, which in Detroit was a school bus.  We could have rented vans, but the deposit would have to be removed from the bank account and put on hold.  Even if we had cancelled the bus, we would have lost $250 deposit.  We are satisfied with the bus because it had the accommodations we needed.  Also you have to consider a driver for 14 hours or more.
  • In previous emails, it was brought to our attention that printing, and mailing was too much.  We explained that we had to constantly obtain emails, (which many were rejected), and had to use mailing so family members were informed of reunion.  In the By-laws, it states that mailing, printing, etc. is handled by the executive committee?…
  • Once you contract with vendors, you are committed, or will lose money.  Vendors, (T-shirts, hats, caterers, hotels, museums, and tours), etc. are to be booked in advance.
  • I was informed that committee members made donations with their own moneyGoing forward:  How much should each committee member donate besides the dues.  Would it be enough to cover a loss?

So far we have responses for:  MONTGOMERY, BIRMINGHAM, and WASHINGTON for the next reunion 2015.

Please continue updating your address, telephone, and emails to John Darling.

It was a pleasure hosting the reunion from Detroit.

Teleconference ended 8:55 pm EST.

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