The name of this organization shall be the Darling-Walker Family Association (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”).
To promote family unity and continuing fellowship of all Darlings, Walkers, and extended family through family reunions and related activities. To create a supportive atmosphere for members who strive for excellence through educational achievements and economic advancements. To publish and distribute periodic newsletters or other material of interest to Darling-Walker family. To foster continuing research and publish research papers documenting the history of the Darling-Walker families, from early origins, through migrations to the New World, to present generations.
Membership in the association shall be open to all persons interested in or related to the Darling-Walker family.
The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Historian/Genealogist, a Parliamentarian, a Webmaster, an Editor, and an Event Planner– all elected by the general membership.
Election of Officers – shall be held biennial (every odd year) during the month of June. Any vacancies during the interim between business meetings shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Committee.
1) Candidates for any of the above stated offices shall be members of the Association, and must have attained an age of twenty-one (21) years old.
2) Candidates for the Offices of President and Vice-President must prove a direct lineage to the Darling-Walker family.
3) Services provided as officers of the Association or as members of committees of the Association shall be on a voluntary basis and shall carry out all of the duties and responsibilities of their offices.
Interim Officers – are those officers elected, appointed, or otherwise assumed office during the business meeting held every odd year. These officers shall serve and administer the affairs of the Association until their terms expire and installation of newly elected officers occurs at the reunion planned for the 2011 Darling-Walker Family Reunion.
Terms of Office – shall be a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms for all Association officers.
SECTION 1: THE PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings of the Darling-Walker Family Reunion, give a full annual report of the Executive Committee at the reunion meetings, appoint chairperson and members of all committee’s, and shall be the ex-officio member of all committees. He/She shall keep close contact with all of the Darling-Walker Family Reunion. S/He shall be the only member with the power to call a meeting of the Executive Committee.
SECTION 2: THE VICE-PRESIDENT shall serve in the absence of the President, and shall preside over the Executive Committee. The Vice-President will also serve as Chair of the Event Planning Committee for the pending Family Reunion activities.
SECTION 3: THE SECRETARY shall keep accurate records of all meetings, conduct all correspondences at the request of the PRESIDENT, and shall perform all other duties common to that office. In addition, the SECRETARY shall make available to each local chapter copies of the minutes from the Darling-Walker Reunion Meetings.
SECTION 4: THE TREASURER shall keep all financial records, including dues, and expenditures and submit detailed written reports at each meeting. The Treasurer shall open a bank account for the Darling-Walker Family Association and all receipts shall be therein deposited. The TREASURER shall make those detailed reports quarterly to be upload on the Darling-Walker Family Reunion website. The TREASURER shall also make deposits, satisfy reimbursements, and sign checks. Upon orders from the PRESIDENT, the TREASURER shall write, sign, and mail all checks which must be counter-signed by one of the following officers, PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT or SECRETARY.
SECTION 5: THE PARLIAMENTARIAN shall maintain order and follow the Roberts Rules Of Order (newly revised edition) at all meetings. S/He shall work closely with the Constitution and By-Laws Committee of the Darling-Walker Reunion Association. He/she shall ensure that all family members are provided a copy of the adopted bylaws.
SECTION 6: EDITOR shall assist the WEBMASTER to collect, receive, and assemble reports, articles, and information to deliver to the WEBMASTER for posting on the Association’s Website. S/He shall be responsible, in conjunction with the WEBMASTER with the aesthetics of the Darling-Walker Family Reunion Association website.
SECTION 7: WEBMASTER shall develop, operate and maintain the Darling/Walker Family Reunion Association website. S/He will assemble and post the Association’s Newsletter and any other material requested on the website. S/he shall work with the EDITOR on the aesthetics of the website.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – shall consist of Association officers and shall administer the business affairs of the Association. It shall have power in the interval between general meetings of the Association to act on all administrative matters on behalf of the Association. The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – shall have the power to appoint all Committee Chairs (excluding the TREASURER) and other committee members as needed.
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE – shall be responsible for developing, implementing and administering a membership plan. The plan shall address membership requirements and benefits in detail, and will be implemented with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee.
FINANCE COMMITTEE – with the TREASURER as Chairman, shall evaluate and establish the financial needs of the Darling-Walker Family Reunion and report the findings to the Executive Committee.
EVENT PLANNER COMMITTEE – shall be a family member living in the Host City of the pending Darling/Walker Family Reunion and will be a member of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
THE CHAPLAIN shall serve the DARLING-WALKER REUNION whenever called upon by providing appropriate DEVOTIONAL SERVICES. The PRESIDENT will appoint a family member to assist the CHAPLAIN in fulfilling his/her service to the Association.
FAMILY REPRESENTATIVE COMMITTEE – will consist of one family member appointed by each family (Ethel Darling, Claude Darling, Lando Darling, John Darling, Maggie Darling, Carrie Walker, Susie Walker, Kate Walker, Jane Walker, Irene Walker, George Walker, Spencer Walker, Emmett Walker, Parker Walker, Eugene Walker) to be the point-of-contact for all information regarding the pending Darling-Walker Family Reunion.
The REUNION COMMITTEE shall be responsible for planning, coordinating and administering the biennial family reunion.
Ad hoc committees will be formed as needed to support the over-all implementation of a family reunion in any given year. The activities of this committee will be addressed in documents prepared under the supervision and approval of the Executive Committee. Ad hoc committees will be dissolved once their duties are completed. All financial affairs shall be managed by the Treasurer as a member of the Reunion Committee.
1) Election Committee – shall be responsible for collecting a panel of candidates and conducting the election of new officers; dismissal of incumbent officers; and installation of newly elected officers. The committee shall consist of a Chairperson and such other members as may be determined by the Executive Committee from time to time.
2) By-Laws Committee – shall be responsible for establishing, chartering and implementing the structure by which the Association shall function. The Committee shall amend, recommend changes, and update the By-Laws as the Association grows and evolves. The committee shall consist of a Chairperson and such other members as may be determined by the Executive Committee from time to time.
3) Audit Committee – will be selected by a general consensus of the Executive Committee and will conduct an audit at the end of each reunion.
Any and all records belonging to the Association held by an Officer or Committee Member shall be turned over to the successor in office or to such other person as may be authorized by the Executive Committee.
The Family Historian/Genealogist shall research and maintain family history and provided updates periodically and recommend long-term ways to preserve the Family records. S/he shall maintain genealogical records, keep records of births, deaths, marriages, divorces, and adoptions and be custodian of the Association records of the Darling-Walker Family. The Historian/Genealogist shall serve as part of the Executive Committee but not as an elected position and may be replaced by another person to carry on the Darling-Walker Family Reunion. S/he shall administer continuing research and publish research papers documenting the history of the Darling-Walker and extended family, from early origins in Europe, through migrations to the New World, to present generations.
The Association Quarterly Newsletter (hereinafter referred to as the Quarterly) shall be the official publication of the Association, will be used to disseminate information to Association members, and serve as a medium for publication of research on the Darling-Walker and extended family. The staff of the Quarterly shall consist of an Editor, and such other Contributing Editors as necessary from time to time. The Editor shall be elected by the general membership of the Association on a biennial business meeting.
Payment of dues are required for membership in the Association. All family members who reside at one address will be covered under the Household Membership.
1) Dues for Household Membership in the Association shall be set by the Executive Committee for each Family Reunion per household. These funds will be used to prepare and publish the Quarterly Newsletter and other expenses related to the administration of the Association.
2) Members who are resident in a covered household who wish to attain Individual Membership may do so by paying their annual dues. Individual members are entitled to all publications and distributions received by Household Membership.
3) Funding for family reunions shall be addressed in detail by separate document prepared and administered by the Reunion Committee, under the general direction of the Executive Committee.
4) Failure to maintain current dues will result in the loss of membership in the Association.
The finances of the Association shall be accounted for under a budget system.
1) No officer, committee, committee member or member of the Association shall receive any funds or incur any expense for the Association not provided for in these By-Laws unless authorized in writing by the President; nor shall the Treasurer or other authorized person make any payment except for expenditures which have been so approved.
2) There will be an audit of all accounts of the Finance Committee. The audit committee will be selected by a general consensus of the Executive Committee and an audit will occur at the close of each Family Reunion.
A reunion of the Darling-Walker families will be held during the third weekend of July in all odd number years (i.e., 2009, 2011, etc.). The first such family reunion in Montgomery shall be held in the year of 2009.
The Executive Committee will establish when and frequency of business meetings during the pending family reunion. These family business meetings are open to all members of the Association in good standing. All other meetings (committee meetings, social events, etc.) do not constitute business meetings. Final decisions on issues brought to the business meeting shall be passed by at least 3 to five members present at the business meeting.
Upon ratification and effectuation of these By-Laws, the Darling-Walker Family Association will nullify and/or replace the Darling-Walker Family Reunion Committee.
The Founding members of the Darling-Walker Family Reunion Committee are: Christine Thomas (President), Joyce Darling (Secretary), Deloris Mitchell (Treasurer), Eva Thomas, Leon Thomas, Jr., Keneesha Hudson, Patricia Jackson, Robert Thomas, Sr., Robert Thomas, Jr., John Darling (Historian), Bernard Darling, Patricia Jackson, Curtis Sherman.
These by-laws may be amended by a majority of members in good standing. The chairperson of the Membership Committee, in conjunction with the Association Treasurer, shall be responsible for maintaining an accounting of active membership in the Association.
Funds for incidental expenses associated with these meetings (i.e., mailings, phone calls) shall be provided by the Association, or as determined by the Executive Committee.