2013 Family Reunion Wrap-up

Darling-Walker Family Reunion Wrap-up

July 19-21,2013

Sunday Prayer Meeting

Hilton Garden Inn Hotel

July 21, 2013

9:30 a.m.


Asked if everyone had a great time – YES


Thank you, Angela, Cinnamon, Carl, and Gerald for all your help in organizing this 2013 reunion.


Sunday,  in attendance:  Clementine, John, Joyce, Angela, Cinnamon, Christine, Lisa, Darien, Ann, Herbert Baker, and Deloris.


Everyone was served their breakfast at the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel.  It was a busy weekend.  The hotel gave each person registered at least 8 tickets to give to family and friends to share breakfast.


Friday night meet and greet was filled with Brain Teaser games (you can find some on Luminosity.com).  Family members (over 20) were given quizzes to solve.  Children were given $5 subway gift cards for winning.  It was suggested by Ann Baker for meet and greet night, that we have more time for games, playing (cards), etc.


I asked if Charles H. Wright Museum was a culture shock. At the end of the tour was an exhibit of an actual slave slip which showed slaves chained below deck.  Mr. Robert Brewer was an excellent tour guide, along with another information person, Yolanda who gave us her knowledge of the Martin Luther King monument in Washington, D.C.


Everyone was fascinated with tour guide Glen Cannon at the Motown Museum.  He danced, sang and the people were in awe of his knowledge of the museum.  Only 22 years old and the God son of Stevie Wonder.


The Diamond Jack boat ride was wonderful.  Nice weather for sailing.  Boat was full. Some even fell asleep during the ride.  We cruised around the Detroit River and turned around to head back on the Canada side of the river.


The picnic was awesome. Food prepared by Brittany Caterer (Desiree and Gregory Baker).    We played:


·        Tug of War

·        Egg toss game

·        Potato Sack Game


Darling-Walker trophies were given to winners.


What a wonderful ending to the evening by a great tour of the City of Detroit in lights and music by the S&S II Charter & Tours bus company, driven by a patient driver Mr. Keith Gents.  He also gave us a guided tour of the city during each tour.  Family members enjoyed the sightseeing of the original Fox Theater, where the Temptations, Four Tops, and Supremes performed.


Thank you cards have been sent to all business.


From the family tree it looks like John Darling and Maggie Darling had the most children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren (24).  Correct me if wrong.

The City of Detroit pin was given to John to give to George Walker.


Concerns:  We spoke on the Darling/Walker name and addressed some of the concerns as to whether the name Walker only can be used.  Christine Thomas explained the origin of the Darling/Walker name and will send us information of its origin.  To change the name would mean to change the business association, etc.  Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.


Concerns:  It was brought up by Lisa, “What can we do better in the future to get more participation  (2015) — when reunions are outside of Alabama, Atlanta, etc. Your suggestions are welcome.


Ann Baker suggests beginning the reunions on Thursday’s  to have more time to see the cities.  John agreed.   What do you think?   By-laws probably would have to be revised?


Some discussion was brought up about our affiliation with the Foster family.  Something to look into.


Meeting adjourned at 10:55 am and everyone prepared to go home.  Some did stay over to enjoy more of the City of Detroit.



Clementine Banks

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