Teleconference of 3 February 2011

Teleconference of 3 February 2011,
8:30 pm CST/9:30 pm EST

The Darling/Walker Family Reunion Association Executive Committee Teleconference Meeting Minutes of 3 February 2011.

On-line for the meeting were: Eva Thomas, Deloris Mitchell, Christine Thomas, Robert Thomas, Sr., Bernard Darling, John Darling, Joyce Darling, Keneesha Hudson

Absent: Darryl Darling, Curtis Sherman, Leon Thomas, Jr., Patricia Jackson, Robbie Thomas

The President called the meeting to order at 8:20/9:20 pm.

1. Minutes from last meeting:

The President asked for corrections/additions. The minutes were not attached to the President’s agenda so the President asked to have the minutes to be approved. So done.

2. Treasurer’s Report:

Account Balance $268.22.

The Account is being charged a $5 fee each month as long as we do not have a $500 balance. The account has lost $25 since the new rule went into effect.

Reunion dues letter – pending

The Treasurer has not received any dues payments

3. Website:

No report.

4. New business

The monthly fee for the checking account

Close the account

Collect enough dues to reach the required balance

Decision was made for the executive committee members to send Deloris Mitchell $84 by 15 Feb 2011 to maintain the required balance

The President asked for suggestions as to what action to take when the account reaches less than $500.

Robert suggested that we start early collecting dues for the next reunion

The President suggested we look for an account that does not charge a fee such as a credit union.

5. President’s Report:

The President asked for suggestions regarding how to determine the number of Reunion attendees

Robert suggested using the list of family members attending the last reunion, divided the list and call them

The President’s concern with calling family members is right now we don’t have any details to discuss with them

The President asked the executive committee whether we still wanted to continue with the plans discussed last year that we would have an event in Pensacola Florida using a Hawaiian Luau theme

The places the President checked were beach locations with certain restrictions such as no alcoholic beverages and leaving the areas at sundown, use of pavilion is on a first come, first serve basis. The city location is free, the naval beach and state park have a fee

Robert suggested the use of fundraiser to help generate some cash such as a bake sale, carwash, fish fry, etc., that would help with the bank account issue.

The President said we need to identify those family members that will be willing to come up with some fundraising ideas to help generate some money.

Keneesha is working on the dues letter and will email it to the President for review and discussion

Hold another meeting after the President and Treasurer has discussed the dues letter on 24 February 2011.

Plan to divide up the roster and begin calling family members to tell them about the upcoming reunion.

6. The President closed the meeting at 9:05/10:05 pm. The next meeting will be on Thursday, 24 February 2011, at 8:00 pm CST/9:00 pm EST. The conference telephone number is ((712) 451-1600, Access Code 43058.

Joyce Darling


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